Fat Quarters $1 tomorrow !

I got an email notice that the local quilt shop will be having a special sale tomorrow. ALL fat quarters will be $1. Well, I went to bed dreaming about fabric. No lie, its the truth. I dreamed about calico's in all shades of every color imaginable. I think part of my dream had a light pink calico sky. Seriously ! Over pizza last night, I sweetly asked DH for some extra money for tomorrow. He asked how much, and I knew the first person to mention a figure often looses out so I said, " whatever you think I would need to get enough fabric for quilts for EVERYONE for Christmas." It was the right answer, since he offered more than I would have asked for. Today I worked on a simple 9 patch for a quilt block exchange. A Texas theme since they will head out across the nation. The amazing news is, all the squares matched up perfectly ! That is progress for me. I made 20 of them this morning. I forgot to eat breakfast, so am thinking this new addiction to quilting may indeed be a diet plan. Maybe I should write a book about this new diet plan. "Sew Thin !" could be the title.
Here is a picture of the blocks laid out on the bed. Oh not much house work got done today : )
Have fun picking out those fat quarters!! Make sure to share pics of what you came home with too!