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Shopping at The Country Store

My shopping cart filled up with goodies from The Country Store. Some of the items were home made noodles, soup mixes, spices, home made ketchup, local honey and a new favorite. Lady Finger Pop Corn. Its such tiny little kernels and they pop up so nicely. Its what we ended up with for supper tonight along with some applesauce. The store carries lovely hankies for children with farm animals on them. A friend of mine recently made a quilt top for a grandchild using the little hankies. It came out so cute. They also have pretty ladies hankies, and although I have a drawer full of hankies in my nightstand, the temptation was too great and one more came home with me. I also purchased some diaper pins. Always handy to have around the house for one reason or another and because its been a long time since there were babies at this house, all the diaper pins have disappeared through time. We were a cloth diaper family, even using cloth on our across country road trips. All things are possible if you plan them carefully. My husband found a new black cap that he was needing for work, so even he came out of the store with something.
The air is turning cold tonight so time to build a fire and put the kettle on for some tea.