My Cover Girls

Here is a bit of history regarding our homestead and where we have been in the past. It has always been our goal to share the rewards of living a simple life. One way I have tried to do that is by writing about the way we live.
Back in the 1990's I wrote some articles for Countryside Magazine. I had also sent in pictures to go with the articles. Much to my surprise they used my photos on the cover.
Both my girls were a bit embarrassed over being on the covers, but mom and dad were pretty proud to see their girls on a magazine cover. It ended up that somehow a Japanese TV show called Amazing Animals saw one of the articles on the web and called us, they wanted to do a TV show on our family and how we lived. We had so much fun. They came out and filmed for two days. They sent us a copy of the show but since it was all in Japanese we had no idea of what they said about us. It was a fun experience for all of us.


Tracey said…
WOW PATTY!!! I'm a BIG fan of Countryside magazine, but unfortunatly I didn't start subscribing until about 2000. How neat to have had that experience! It's a beautiful picture and I wish that the video was available here in the US...I"d buy it. ;o)
Granny said…
WOW is right! That is so interesting. Didn't even know such a magazine was out there. What great keepsakes for your family to have . . even though I can imagine the girls were a bit embarrassed at the time.

Judy L.
La Tea Dah said…
What great pictures of your girls --- and to have them on the cover of a magazine --- too cool! Thanks for sharing this today. I loved your piece.
Lucy said…
These pictures are adorable. SO great that they are on teh cover of the magazine!
Genuine Lustre said…
Pat - how cool is that?! What lovely photos. I love Countryside too.

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