No House Cleaning Today

O.K. all you quilting ladies, something has happened to me since reading all your blogs. I think I have a problem, something akin to an addiction. I took the plunge and decided to try my hand at some piecing that requires squares smaller than 10 inches ! I have in the past made mostly traditional Amish quilts. Well of course I am not good at this yet, and things don't always match up perfectly but I am plugging away at it. Today I pieced 9 blocks. Its like I could not leave this project alone. I did nothing much else. Some laundry and my animal chores, had lunch, but the rest of the time was spent in cutting and piecing. Promise not to laugh too much about my not so perfect piecing, so I don't get discouraged !
Here they are, all 9 blocks.
Judy L.
My weakness is 'chopping up fabric' and 'sewing little pieces together' until I have nice, small quilts. THEN ... I fold them and put them onto a shelf, NEVER have hand quilted a quilt. I have tied many but seldom finish anything.
This group of mavericks have gotten me to the point of being ready to finish a bunch of them.
SO ... you can break tradition and do this. Give it time to feel natural.
Cindy B.