Brighten the Corner Where You Are

This morning broke bright and blue on the horizon. The kind of day like most where you wake up feeling so happy to be alive. The breath that enters our bodies is a gift each day.
As I was getting dressed this morning a little song entered my mind. One I had not thought of in years. We used to sing it in grade school. I started humming it this morning and realized I had forgotten some of the lyrics. I went on line to find them. When I was listening to the midi file and singing along, it dawned on me that this is a really good song. Too bad its considered a child's song, it needs to be sung more by adults as we seem to be the gloom and doom gang at times.
There isn't too much that gets me down, except people that are negative. I just want to run from them as fast as I can. They are like storm clouds over your head !
There is so much to be thankful for in this world, if you look for it. I understand tragedy. Had my share in life, but always there is a new day dawning. If I sat down and made a list of my blessings it would be much longer than the woe is me list. So no matter what the world around you is like, you can Brighten the Corner where you are and make it a better place. We are told to be a light, and to let our light shine. Not to moan and groan. James 1: tells us to Count it ALL joy...
Sure the world seems crazy and people are more self centered but there are so many good people too. Kind people. I know more good people than "bad" people. And for most of us, that is how it is. There is more good than bad.
I have a husband that is my best friend and we share a love deep as the sea, I have children I adore and that love me, I have a home that is cozy and warm, and paid for. I have a simple life, that is uncomplicated. I have been married only once so no past always haunting me. I have good health, good food to eat. I have siblings I love and cousins that are my good friends. Relatives that give me so much pleasure. I have my Dad still with us. My daughter has a chronic illness but there are medicines that keep her healthy. I have hobbies I enjoy. And above all that, first and foremost, I have faith in a God that delivers. I mean that, He takes care of my every need, notice the word need and not the word WANT.
So, my thought for the day is.... Brighten the Corner Where you Are. Just like that little song says. Don't look on the negative, just count your blessings and make life better for those around you that are not seeing things so bright.
The picture is an old family photo of two little ones in our family. Just their sweetness brightens your day.
Here is the words to the song I was singing this morning...
Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
Do not wait to shed your light afar,
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!
Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear,
Let not narrow self your way debar;
Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,
Here reflect the bright and Morning Star;
Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed,
Brighten the corner where you are.
I didn't have a email adress from you .And I want to answer your question so I do it this way.
Thank you for your comment... I actually don't know if these goats are Saanan goats. We have here 20 minutes drive away a goatfarm. I will ask them what kind of goats they are !( It is so special !! There they milk the goats and make cheese ,icecream etc.etc..I bought there alos very great handcream , not from the goats. but from sheeps !! I love all natural things. Before I quilt I make dolls from natural fiber. filled with wool. I saw them at your blog from Friday, November 25, 2005 !! I gave lessons in making that kind of dolls. After that\t I start quilting... and when I found a job in the shop I quit with doll making. I live in a big city in Haarlem. But I like all old stuff !! and the feeling with the past. Your blog is so BEAUTIFULL... you are talented with your pictures. and The feeling of your live is a dream for me :c)
The indian pudding is so hot that it melts the ice cream right away, so that is the milky looking stuff. Melted Ice cream.
Thank you for the info on the goats. I used to make the "waldorf" dolls too but have not in years. My girls are all grown now and their dolls are very worn out.
I have now posted an email address on my profile.