A Visit to Whole Foods

The first week in December I went to the Doctors. I had the flu. Two days before Christmas I went back to the Doctors. The flu had become pneumonia. My 6th time having it.
Well, to make a long story short, I am still coughing. I don't much like western medicine but took all the medicine prescribed since I have almost died twice with pneumonia. Now I am tired of this cough and inhalers and all that junk. So today we headed off to Whole Foods, which to me is like the best store in the world. I love that place.
I have been studying herbs for well over 20 years and am just about done with my master herbalists, so that store is health food heaven to me.
I got myself stocked up on things I know will help chase this hanging on cough away.
One bag and $80 later we were finished shopping. Everything is for my cough except the incense. Anyone who knows me knows I love incense and have them burning all most all the time. Must be some kick back from my hippy days. I figure today they are part of my mental health since they make me feel happy smelling them.
Hope this stuff works. I am tired of coughing and having people run from me assuming I am contagious !