Uncluttered Simplicity

Uncluttered Simplicity
The older I get the less I want around the house as clutter. It takes so much time to move a bunch of things to dust and clean. It takes time to keep clean nic nacks and collections.
I have grown to love the look of simplicity. When the children were all home, there was a need to have more around the house for their projects and for homeschooling. And then there were toys of course.
But now, I find myself wondering why I would need so much stuff. In this country now, it is more common then not to see people with storage sheds in their yards. Storage facilities that people rent are everywhere. Houses have garages so full the car could never fit in. Why do we need so much I wonder ? What does this say about us ? My mother always wanted to have a full pantry and she said it was due to the lack of things during the depression, which makes sense to me. But why would a nation of plenty want to hold on to more and more and more ? It seems it makes life harder to own so much. When I need to clean, its just take the broom and sweep the floors, no moving lots of stuff, and when I dust, its quick and uncomplicated. But when I had lots of things around, it took so much time to move everything and often I would just say, " I'll do it later" since it was such a big job.
For a while now, when I am tempted to buy things I really don't need but just want, I quote Matthew 6: 19 -21
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Simplicity is indeed the easiest
I try and keep things very simple around my house as well, but with 2 girls, and homeschooling them...well, you know all about the books. ;o)
I think we have become a nation of "aquirers"..and inquirers too, alot of it none of our business. Such clutter lives and such cluttered minds. And then it seems that once it's home we no longer are that interested in it. Maybe it's more the "getting" than the having.
I do love the look of what you show us, thank you for sharing..*VBS*
One of the things that impressed me most when I first arrived in the US and entered peoples homes was the amount of 'stuff' everywhere! I was even taken aback by the wallpaper! We'd never seen that until we arrived here! Plain white walls are so simple and beautiful!
And beautiful photo! You've got quite a photographer's eye!