
This morning as I was sewing and listening to some thought provoking music. It had me wondering about Legacies. Not the monetary type, but something passed on given from the heart and passed down to the next generation. Even if you have no children, think about nieces and nephews or on a broader scope, the neighborhood, your church etc.
I have read so many books in my life and in the biographies I have read or even the old novels of the 1800's, there was always someone who left a legacy to be proud of.
In many of the books I have read, the mother of the hero or heroine, was a woman that made a difference. And more often than not, the child was so impressed by this kindly mother that it impacted the very way the next generation lived and contributed to society.
My mother made a difference, not only in the way she raised her children, but in how she reached out to others. Always made our home a place people wanted to visit. She made everyone feel comfortable. When she passed away, the Mayor sent out a official Memoriam. Her wake was attended by so many people that many waited for a long time outside in the frigid cold to wait their turn to come in and pay their regards. She took the time to really KNOW people and make their lives a bit better. I wanted to be like her my whole life. She gave me the gift of being a good model. That is indeed the best legacy.
In our modern busy times, we hardly know our neighbors. People rush home from work, eat, watch TV for a couple hours and sleep, only to start the whole cycle over again the next morning. Weekends are spent recovering or in "my time". Not much chance to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Its sad.
We as a modern people, don't even have company much. People say they are "wiped out" after work or just need time for themselves.
When I was growing up, we had so many people come to our house that just opened the door and said, "Hi". They never needed to knock, there was NO time that my mother felt was not a good time to come in for a visit. When someone did knock on the door, we all said, "wonder who that could be?"
It is my goal in life to be a woman of goodly character. To be someone my children can look up to. I want them to know you should reach out to others, move beyond just your immediate family. Leave a trail of kindness and friendship. Have your home more than just a place where you eat a quick meal and lay your head at night. Make your home a haven for friends who need a kind word or a cup of tea and a chat. And beyond that, understand that if you have two coats give one away to someone in need. Always have room enough at the table for one more. Never be too busy for family and friends. Kiss babies, and tell their mothers they are sweet. Hold the hand of an elderly one and acknowledge them.
I will always be moved to tears when I hear the song, Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin. Not the legacy anyone should want to leave behind. Ask yourself, what kind of legacy will I leave behind ?
A child arrived just the other day,
Came to the world in the usual way,
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay,
He learned to walk while I was away.
He was talking before I knew it, and as he grew
He said, "I'm going to be like you, Dad,
You know I'm going to be like you."
And the cat in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon,
"When can we play, Dad?" "I don't know when,
We'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
My son turned ten just the other day,
Said "Thanks for the ball, now c'mon let's play.
Will you teach me to throw?" I said, "Not today,
I've got a lot to do." He said, "That's OK."
And he walked away and he smiled and he said
"You know I'm going to be like you, Dad,
You know I'm going to be like you."
And the cat in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon,
"When can we play, Dad?" "I don't know when,
We'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then.
"He came from college just the other day,
So much like a man, I just had to say,
"I'm proud of you, won't you sit for a while?"
He shook his head and said with a smile,
"What I'm feeling like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys
See you later, can I have them please?"
And the cat in the cradle and a silver spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon,
"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
I've long since retired and my son's moved away,
I called him up just the other day.
"I'd like to see you, if you don't mind."
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I could find the time.
You see, my new job's a hassle and the kids have the flu,
But it's sure nice talking you, Dad.
It's been real nice talking to you."
And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me.
And the cat in the cradle and a silver spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon,
"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then.
"And the cat in the cradle and a silver spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon,
"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
Thanks for another thought provoking post.
Judy L.
thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, I follow your blog for a couple of weeks and I really love it.
Take care.