Homesteaders Wife Skin Care

When ladies get together they talk about all kinds of things. One subject that always comes up is skin care. There are products out there for everything. Stop aging, dry skin, oily skin, anti wrinkle and on and on.
I don't have wrinkles and I am 51. Some I assume is genetics and some is just plain common farm sense. One time I saw some show on TV where chemists checked the different skin care products, some over $300 a jar . At the end, this famous chemist said, people waste their money on all these products, using any animal fat will accomplish the same thing. I had such a chuckle. My home made soap is made the old fashioned way with nice clean beef fat. I have customers come to me saying their skin is the best it has ever been since using my soap. They all say the same thing, " we stopped buying all those night creams." I have people that have chronic dry skin that say their dry skin is gone since using my soap. Now there is no secret ingredient to my soap, its a simple old fashioned soap recipe.
I have sensitive skin, so that is why I started making my own soap so many years ago. Plus its fun and cost effective for me to make soap.
Now I do have one skin care product I buy every winter to help with my dry hands that often crack in the winter. My thumbs can get so sore. This simple item does the trick in clearing it up in no time. Works for dry cracked feet too. Simple no nonesense BAG BALM udder cream for milking animals.
We put it on the goats udders in winter and noticed our hands were soft and nice from just rubbing it on the animals.
So there you have it. Simple skin care. Eat fresh veggies, drink water, work hard and make some soap and buy some bag balm and you will stay young looking !
In the picture there is anise oil soap on the left of the Bag Balm and on the right is Rosemary, Rose Geranium Olive Oil soap.
I never have any luck growing lavender. I keep trying new places in my herb garden.
try it! it rocks!
and then i also mix a little bit of lip color in with it and have a great lip gloss.
and i use it on my pets too!
wonderful stuff - and the best thing is - I AM NOT ALLERGIC to it!!! YAY!