Is it Winter Again ?
I almost packed away the winter coats this week. Thinking we would not need them again for many many months. We have gotten lazy and leave them on the bed in the guest room instead of hanging them on the hook and I have been anxious to have them put away. We only have three tiny tiny closets in this house. They are all about 2'x4'. One in each bedroom. So no place to keep our coats handy, but on the plus side of this storage shortage, one doesn't keep more clothes than one needs. The word "want" doesn't even come into the picture. Simplicity works for us in so many ways. Our chosen path for decades and we smile now that for the first time, we seem a bit fashionable for living this way. The kettle on the wood stove is hissing at me, time to pour myself a cup of tea and have some toast with it. Life is good and I feel very blessed, just as if God has bent down, and kissed my head with all the tenderness of any loving father.
1 John 3:1
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
milk bucket hanging on the hook in the milk barn
momma cat with her kittens all snug in the hay
Faith playing peek-a-boo with me
The gray wintry clouds
Whatever we found to cover the tender plants, we used and it worked.
This is beautiful and so eloquent. I absolutely love the mental picture it creates. I plan to carry this thought around in my head and heart all day long.
You've blessed me this morning with your words.
Blessings, aimee