The Wonder of Open Windows And Quilt Plans
I suspect this wanting to just take a deep breathe and sigh comes from being assured by the change in weather patterns, that Autumn will really arrive and that summer is not endless after all.
Yesterday as the clouds and cooler air rolled in I headed off to the store to purchase some fabric for a postage stamp quilt for my bed. I just love the look of all those tiny squares and I have so many pieces of fabric in my stash that will work perfect for this, but I needed a few more pieces. Well, in truth, I WANTED a few more pieces of fabric !
I am going for that old fashioned sort of look but with a little surprise here and there. While at the store there was a sale on holiday fabric so I picked up a couple pieces to make aprons for my daughters. Holiday baking is just more fun with a pretty apron on. I suspect there will be enough fabric left over for a couple little girl aprons too.
There were pumpkins on sale too and yes, I was weak and got one, a sign of hope for me that there will be days when sweaters are needed and when I will be carrying arm loads of wood from the wood shed to the house. This old Yankee gal has a hard time with the heat of the summer. My blood has never adjusted to triple digit temperatures.
Its time for me to head out and feed the chickens and lean on the fence a bit to see how my garden grows and gaze up at the sky and watch the clouds drift by. Life is goo, so good in fact that I am planning a give-away the first week of September. Stay tuned for more info.
The Canada Geese have been flying overhead for well over a week. Can fall be far away?
Your little granddaughter's will love having aprons made by you. I have an apron, hanging in my kitchen, that was made by my grandmother, for my daughter when she was about three. My daughter now has school age children! Aprons, made by a loving family member are so very special!
As the family room in the basement nears completion I, too, am thinking quilts. I'll be able to unpack my fabric stash, set up a sewing machine. I hope to finish the blocks for two quilts that had to be packed away in January when the Wyoming house was sold.