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Welcome Victoria !

Victoria was born this evening weighing in at 7lbs 6 oz and is 21 1/4 inches long. She is beautiful from head to toe and both mother and baby are doing so well. I showed restraint and only took about 60 pictures tonight. We got to see her right after she was born and what a proud Daddy greeted us with that perfect grand-daughter in his arms. How blessed we are. Praising God for another perfect grand baby. We are now blessed with 4 grandchilden. Yen is slightly outnumbered by girls on this side of the family....3 to 1
And Victoria is so beautiful and so sweet!
may God bless her.
Oh, By the way, I know how hard it is to restrain yourself from taking pictures. ;^D
Grace & Peace
And she has a beautiful name (I like even more the whole Victoria Rose) ; many well wishes to the whole family !