For the Love of Being Home

It is the place where I can sit in silence or dance with the stereo up loud. It is the place I love the most on earth.
My two new windows in the kitchen have kicked this love up several notches. This morning as I made breakfast on a counter top now flooded with sunshine, I felt as if the history of this house became alive. I stood there in silence, smelling the old wood that has recently been exposed and looked around at my rather old fashioned kitchen, that lacks any stainless steel appliances or fancy counter tops. There is not a dishwasher to be found besides me and my hands. A kerosene lamp sits right in the middle of a big round table, much like the one Emery had growing up on the farm and all I could think was to count my blessings for this wonderful simple home that is like a dear friend to me.
I love staying home because this is my favorite place to be. Strange to me that on occasion it seems that folks think I must be depressed or something because I have no desire to go out every day and shop or spend weekends in some fancy hotel where the sheets don't smell like sunshine and there is no big old feather mattress that gently hugs you all night long.
This little house of ours with its low ceilings and floors that seem to slope down in a couple corners is so full of love that being here reminds me that I have every single thing I need in life.
And better than having all that I need, I have all that I want too. A husband that I love so deeply and loves me just as deeply. Children that are wonderful, kind people that love us as much as we love them and now grandbabies that give so much love it can't even be put into words.
Contentment keeps me home where love really does grow.
Contentment keeps me home where love really does grow.