Any Day Now !
I am anxious for new babies around. Love feeding them their bottles and playing with them. They are due the very same day Mei-Ling has a big procedure done, one in which she will have to be orally sedated and there is a lot riding on the results of this particular test, so would love many prayers for her. This test takes a couple hours and the recovery time for it can be up to a week in some children.
I will be watching Yen while Melanie and Casi take Mei-Ling into the hospital, so hopefully no kids will be born while I am watching him. Hard to take care of a couple of new born kids with a tiny baby in my arms !
Soon we will be able to quote Proverbs 27:27 again with accuracy for our family, although I don't happen to have any servants !
"You will have plenty of goats' milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls."
Prayers said for Mei-ling. (((hugs)))
Can't wait to see the kids :D
xoxo melzie