50 Things That Make Me Happy
Today, Casi had the day off so he watched the children while Melanie and I went out for coffee. Every mom needs a little grown up time once in a while. We just ran an errand to the store and stopped at Starbucks for a coffee. We weren't gone long at all but it was a sweet moment in time to be able to just chat as adults. It was a special treat for us and it got me thinking about the number of things in my life that make me happy. Here is my list for today.
1. Being in love, and being loved.
2. Emery
3. Being friends with my daughters
4. Mei-Lings running up to me with arms wide open saying, "hugs"
5. Yen smiling
6. Elizabeth's giggles
7. The garden
8. Watching the birds at my feeders
9. Spring time with all the new life around me
10. Windows open
11. Incense burning
12. Tie dye socks
13. My feather bed
14. Feeling healthy
15. Holding hands with Emery
16. Tea time
17. Gathering eggs
18. Being able to walk barefoot again after a long winter
19. Finding the perfect music to match the mood
20. Honesty
21. Optimism
23. Soft green grass
24. That my son in laws are really good people
25. pizza
26. Catching a word or two I know in Chinese
27. Laundry flapping in the breeze on the line
28. Having the dishes done
29. Picking vegetables from the garden
30. Spinning wool
31. When my girls call and say they love me
32. Freedom to be me
33. Long conversations with Emery
34. The sound of my wind chimes
35. The wood stove
36. Hiking
37. Eating healthy
38. Spiral Diner
40. Playing dolls with Mei-Ling
41. My camera
42. My iPhone
43. Being able to talk to Emery throughout the day
44. Silence from time to time
45. No big drama in my life
46. Reading a good book
47. Hope
48. Roses in bloom
49. Wildflowers
50. Running
This is such a nice post and I thank you for it.