Thankful for Simplicity
Flowers blooming all over the place, bits of color here and there, random in their design compared to those glossy gardening magazines, but my flower spots suit my fancy just fine.
With milk bucket in hand, heading back to the house through the pasture, I see a large clump of mushrooms growing next to a stump we have for the goats to play on. Shades of browns so much more beautiful than any decorators palette. I remind myself to come back out after taking care of the milk and take some pictures of these mushrooms. I have no idea what kind they are but laugh wondering if they might be those magic mushrooms I have heard about.
There is no problem with me walking into the kitchen with muddy boots on, its been done before and it will be done again. We are not prissy. We know how to mop floors and we are not afraid to deal with dirt. Now I sit in a room full of books and papers, things I need. I know where things are even amid the chaos of this little office of mine. There is a kerosene lamp next to the computer, it seems to be a sight filled with irony. The house is silent and that is o.k. I don't mind quiet. I think after this I will sit in the rocker by the window and just read a bit, or maybe just sit and think. I have a bit of a sore throat today, and I seem to be developing a cough. A cold I hope. I have no fever, so I am not afraid, but still aware.
Life is good and one thing I know, I am living my dream life and the vision board I made way back in the 1970's was full of photos of just what I have now. How thankful I am of my dreams come true, a simple life !
small yucca
grass going to seed
yucca bloom
Faith, munching on hay
mushrooms growing in the pasture
one kitten
three kittens
iris bed
Recently, I have learned to "shop" in my home, and attic, for inspiration when I feel the need for a change coming on. Switching the lampshades on lamps that were in two different rooms, turned out to be an unexpected lift of my spirit. I then "shopped" all over the house for things to put on new shelves in a room. Once re-purposed, these familiar things became a wonderful vignette to enjoy.
Flowers cut, from the yard, vegetables from the garden, new life, in the spring, these things are simply amazing!