A Gentle Day
Mei-Ling came to visit with Grammie and Papa today and the first thing she wants to do after giving us kisses and hugs, is grab one of us by the hand and head for the back door, saying, "goats, goats !". She stops long enough at the back door to slip on her tiny mud boots and then she is off and running. I am so thankful she loves the animals. Elizabeth does too. With the new kittens in the barn, which had to be rescued this morning, since momma cat is not too bright and had them right under the run off from the old milk house roof. The tiny ones were laying in a puddle and one was near drowned. I got them all dried off and they seem fine now.
Mei-Ling climbed up on the milking stand, put her head through the opening to the feed dish and made her goat sounds. She laughed and laughed at herself for this funny antic. Of course I did too which no doubt encouraged her to keep doing it.
It is just this sort of thing that makes me love the life we live. Seeing a second generation grow up with animals to love and hay to play in and food to eat right from the garden. It is walking down the path to the barn, with a tiny hand in mine, that makes it seem so right. It is watching the wonder in my grandbabies eyes as they watch goats eat leaves from their hands and see the joy in their hearts in holding tenderly a new kitten or a beautiful flower.
It is sitting on the grass in the sunshine, with a jar of bubble stuff, laughing away the moments that fills my heart with such a peace and such joy.
It is the simple things, the old fashioned sort of fun that gives so much to us. And I am grateful for all the love and simplicity that surrounds my life. With the fear gone as a motivator for our chosen path, it all seems just that much better.