A blue jay is squawking, a cardinal is chirping and a little house wren sit on the end of the clothesline watching my every move. The air is heavy, rain is on the way. The sky is a mix of white cloud and a pale blue gray sky. Grass is wet with last nights dew . I follow Harry's well worn trail to the barn, he is by my side, acting a little like a big puppy, "pronging"...leaping with all four legs off the ground at once. You have to laugh watching him. The baby goat is crying for her bottle, but she needs to be weaned. She will get mostly water in her bottle this morning in hopes that she figures out its time to stop being a bottle baby. Licorice is anxious to be milked and fed and talked to and brushed. Its our morning ritual and she likes it. The kittens are growing, only three left. Momma cat took them out in the yard and one kitten became part of the cycle of nature. We have hawks, black vultures and the like always overhead.The garden is doing poorly this season. Too much rain, we had a few cold days after we planted and I am forever grateful we do not have to depend on the garden for our food, but rather use it as we can. The grape vines are full this year. More than I have ever seen. The plum tree is the same, full to overflowing. The blueberries ripening nicely too.
I feel a deep sense of peace as my hands work to fill the milk pail with warm fresh milk. It might just be the day for making some cheese, adding herbs from the herb garden to it and baking some crusty Spanish bread to go along with it.
The day feels so in tune with a natural rhythm of life. Nothing rushed, nothing hurried, just easy going.
The phone just rang, Melanie, Casi and Mei-Ling all have colds and are in need of moms herbs to help the misery. What a blessing to have what they need on hand. Life is good.