God's Timing

Gods timing is so perfect. I finally dump the fear that motivated me to live simply, and discover I really enjoy the simple life apart from the fear so much better and when the fear is gone, then my health takes a dive. I have always been so healthy and this week I am facing tests that will either tell me all is well, or that there is a serious problem. I suspect that had this health issue popped while there was still so much fear on the bottom layer of my life, I might just be in very afraid. Today I have a sonogram and by next week my blood work will all be back and I should have a good idea of what is going on. I am not living in fear over this, but of course anxious to hear what is causing the problem. God's timing is perfect and life remains...good. Of course I wouldn't mind some prayers : )
Thank you for your sharing such a gentle and honest spirit here. I have enjoyed getting to know you over the last few years.
I've been reading your blog for quite some time now, but have never commented before. Today I come out of lurking to let you know that I am praying for you.
I'd also like to say how very much I enjoy your blog. I have been a "follower" of yours since the day many, many years ago when your daughter appeared on the cover of Countryside magazine and you used to write occasionally for them. We also used to be on some email lists together. I was so excited when I found you blogging here....also very surprised to see how your children have grown and all the changes you have been through.