Monday Morning Blessings

I am grateful for.....
a phone call from Desiree this morning, we always laugh so much together.
the cool spring morning air, that just fills you with good feelings.
so many song birds outside my window.
tiny kittens.
restored health. (still waiting on test results, but I feel great)
Emery and all the love we share.
Melissa for all she is.
For Melanie being such fun to hang out with and being such a fantastic mother.
For sons in law that I like.
For Steven being such a fine young man
and for Priscilla being such a hard working young mother and wife.
I am grateful for color, seasons, scents, and all that comes with them.
for growing up with my grandparents living with us.
for books, and for computers and technology.
for tenderness and compassion in the world.
for learning about the law of attraction.
for open windows and doors.
for a garden and for being able to do the work required to have one.
for finding Harry at the pound.
for learning that religion has very little to do with a spiritual life.
for a peaceful life, with very little, if any drama to it.
for my grand-daughters, what joy they bring to us.
for our local Goodwill store.
and for running water that is pure and good.
think I will stop here, but there is so much more.
oh one more thing, a rather materialistic iPhone : )
Life is good !