The Joy of Living
This morning, walking through the house, doing my work, I felt a real love for the simplicity of my surroundings. It felt as though I was free to enjoy the handicrafts, the lack of fancy smancy stuff, the humbleness of this small home. Doing chores was the same sort of thing, freedom from fear left me so open to the joy of not living in the rat race. The birds singing sounded for certain to be singing praises to the Creator and the green of the trees created a setting for prayer and meditation, so superior to anything mankind can make. The garden, a sheer delight to walk through, seeing food growing right in my own back yard, organic and so full of taste. I thought about how this extra work we do, the hanging clothes, the garden, the animals, the milking of goats, all that...takes us out into Gods creation when if not for those tasks, I might just stay inside doing something else and miss the beauty of the clouds, the bird songs, the way the dew feels on my bare feet in the mornings, and miss this morning fog changing the view into an impressionistic painting. I think, somewhere in that must be prepared mentality, born of fear, there was something more, a love of the simple, a real love for not buying into the rush rush, gutta have mentality that is so pervasive in our modern society. I am realizing that its never a good idea to throw the baby out with the bathwater : )