
“Stress is nothing more than a

socially acceptable form of mental illness”

~Richard Carlson~

Today I learned that a friend had died suddenly, 63 years old. Ate well, knew all about good health, and it seemed upon first glance that she took care of herself, but she was stressed to the hilt most of the time. Busy at work, worried about family, caring for others and forgetting to take care of herself and live by the rule..."don't sweat the small stuff, and its all small stuff".
Her stress is probably what killed her, robbed her family of more precious years. She would not be one to go to a spa for a weekend, or sit and relax. She was a devout Christian but seemed to miss the part in Matthew where Jesus tells people not to worry. It is a major aspect of a peaceful life, to not worry.
Admittedly, I work hard, but I relax with the same kind of enthusiasm and I meditate every single day. The deep breathing kind of meditation that slows your pulse to a snails pace. I don't worry very often either. Why, its not like my worry will change things. I love what the Dalai Lama said about worry...“If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.” Well there you have it, a recipe for avoiding the stress of worrying.
It bothered me a great deal today when I heard of this woman's passing. I think its the first person in our age group, Emery's and mine, to die from something other than cancer or an accident. Stress takes time to kill us, it builds to a toxic level, a deadly level. We all have the power to change being stressed. Its a spiritual condition to me, one where we try to do it all ourselves and leave God out of the equation. Its a control issue maybe. Time to let go and accept that life is not perfect, your children are not perfect, your house is not perfect, you are not perfect and for certain the world isn't. We can work on being better people but we can do that by letting go of holding on so tight that we squeeze the very life out of ourselves.

Melanie, very unstressed and enjoying the moment


Jo Lynn said…
I am so glad you posted this. I am very sorry that you lost a dear friend. :(

I have been under so much stress and cannot find anytime to "destress" No money for a month, hubby found out he was laid off today, my mom's stomach issues, kid issues "I want my own bedroom" "keep him out of here" "she's in my stuff" and it's mostly my 11yo ds.

Just hearing this makes me want/need to destress. I know my bp has gone up a bit in the past 3 years. Not much but I have noticed. So I need to lose weight and destress.

Jo Lynn
I'm sorry for your loss. :( I've noticed lately that things just seem to slide off my once very weighed down shoulders. Sure, some days are harder than others, but at 34 years old I'm finding out a few things about myself.

1. I love to write and since starting up my blog again, I've found a peace. It's wierd.

2. I want to learn! Photography, HTML, web design, etc.

3. I really enjoy being behind a lens and cannot wait until I can purchase that so longed for DSLR. Until then, I find the beauty in the images I capture on my current camera....blurry or not. I am finally able to see the little things. The things I rushed by too often.

Okay - off the topic, but that quilt is beautiful. That's another thing I want to learn to do in 2009.
Dana and Daisy said…
I'm sorry for your loss Patty.
Val said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are so right. There is not a thing we can do about our worries. I have always heard that you can worry or you can pray. You can not do both. Thanks for sharing with us.
Margo in Maine said…
Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend....that was a great reminder...I have come to my computer stressed and know that it will take care of the issue that I faced...just reading other blogs ...I usually do well at taking time and even did this morning but the day brings its events in like a storm...thank you for your words today they made a difference..Maine
Lib said…
Sorry to hear the Loss of your friend!
This is a wonderful post ,we all should take time to slow down and enjoy life more.
Happy Earth Day!
novascotiagal said…
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, too.

I was very down some years ago, for several months, and I could FEEL how bad that was to my body. It scared me - I could tell this depression was dangerous to my system. The mental pain slowly lifted, and I am grateful for it - I knew I would be healthy in body as well as in mind.

I try to keep that experience in mind, and reading your blog sometimes is the best reminder to slow down and bless the moment. Thanks.
Shellie said…
I'm sorry to hear about your friend.

Your words are so true. It's so much better to just let things go. I'm constantly telling my kids to "Breath in, breath out, relax." when the get stressed out or too upset over something.
Janette said…
I am sorry to hear about your loss.
When we had three bother and sisters in law die within three months of each other-all in their late 50's- we started a new look at our lives.
We took a concerted effort to destress.
Still working on it!
At least we live somewhere green!!!

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