Blue Skies
The air is cooler today, but the wind still blowing. As I dressed this morning I so wanted to just step back in time for a day of simple rhythms, much like the sound of my footsteps, the clanging of the milk pail as I walk to the milk house, and then the steady sound of the milk hitting the milk pail. Just life sounds. No car, no phone and even no music.
When I dressed this morning I thought about my long dress and how I fixed my hair twisted along the sides in the front, pulled up in a tiny tiny bun in the back. I reminded myself this morning to NOT cut my hair again when the mood strikes, I honestly like my hair long, and so doesn't Emery. He loves to brush it in the evening just before bedtime and it is so soothing to me, relaxes me so I sleep like a baby. Gray hair taking over the brown...I always wanted white hair like my aunt and it looks like I may have my wish at some point not too far down the road.
I have no desire to try and fool people into thinking I am younger, I am not ashamed of my age or afraid of it. I don't worship youth. I do like to maintain good health just so I can enjoy to the fullest right where I am now and be strong for the work ahead of me in life, but I like where I am in life.
When people suggest that maybe I should dye my hair to cover the gray I smile to myself thinking, "and hide this crown of glory ?" No way, I have earned it all. Proverbs 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life. Not wanting to cover that up !
I think we get off track sometimes in life, missing the moment, missing the joy of right now. Fear of so many things driving us to places we don't even want to go, but instead get pushed along by popular thought.
wouldn't mind if I could slow things down a bit though. Time seems to be passing so quickly.
Harry the ever faithful guardian
Tiny kittens under the milking stand
Baby goats with horn buds way too big
my tulips by the bridge
my apron blowing in the breeze
Love, Dana
Have a wonderful, blessed, simple Easter with your family.
Something I really look forward to letting go of.
i will probably have a backpack ion my back as well. I am looking forward to 15 months from now.