3:45 in the morning we heard a ruckus outside our bedroom window and then heard Harry whimper and then bark as if we were being invaded by the Ancient Roman Legion. It took only a second to figure out what was out there. The window was open and you can guess what kind of smell invaded our room in a nano second. Emery got dressed to see why Harry was still barking. Emery knows skunks give it all, when they give it and it can take up to 10 days for them to rebuild their supply of "stink", so surely a few minutes after the skunk sprayed would be safe. Right out front we have some cinder blocks under the house to help curtail water run off when it storms, and didn't the skunk get himself stuck in one, tail facing out, and his head at the dead end of another block. The skunk could not turn around, and was frankly as stuck as Pooh bear is when he has had too much honey and tries to get out his window. Neither one of us was willing to grab it by the tail and see if we could pull it loose. Emery is quick witted, even in the wee hours of the morning. I had a large trash bag full of coffee grinds from Starbucks that I was going to use in the garden around the cabbage plants. Coffee grinds will soak up the nastiest of smells, so Emery tossed the bag, a bit open, by the skunk hoping to subdue the odor of this little late night guest. It seemed to help with the odor, but the problem of the stuck skunk remained.After trying a few more things to see if we could scare this guy into somehow backing himself out of his tight spot, we gave up and headed back to bed. Harry would have to stink until morning time for his bath and the skunk, well we sure hope he figures things out soon and maybe looses a few ounces today and makes his way out of his tight spot. Not everyone has a bushy tail skunk sticking out into their driveway from what appears to be under the house. I suspect we may not have many people stop by for a chat today. That black and white tail may just frighten them away !
I was outside in my nightie, snapping pictures with my old camera, which happened to have new batteries in it, but notice I was not brave like my husband and stayed a good distance away.
He was still there this morning, hopefully by high noon he will realize he had better get out of town !