Some Fun Today

I had some fun today. Sewed some on a quilt for a wee little girl and worked on a dress for that same little one. The sleeves will be puffy, just right for a little girl.

Our wild flowers are starting to bloom !


Mimi said…
and who might that wee little girl be? Someone special I'm sure!!!
Carole said…
Oh, that's funny, I'm working on a dress for Elise too !! It's taking me a lot of time as it's the very first I'm making, but I think it will turn out fine. It's a princess dress, and I have a pattern for another one I'll make later for summer - I bought it because it has puffy sleeves... and Elise has been requesting a puffè-sleeved dress for a long time - she wants it because it's like Snowhite !
Carole said…
Oh, and I forgot to say, the pink quilt is just lovely !! I love the ruffle.
Dana and Daisy said…
I went to the cabin and was delighted to see the first dogwoods coming out on the mountainsides.

Happy spring, and so glad you found time to sew for a special girl!

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