Goodwill Shopping
A nightie for me that just flows with femininity and old fashioned sweetness. $2
But the best find recently were these two American Girl items. My daughters each have an American Girl doll, Actually in those days they were from "Pleasant Company" so in anticipation of grand-daughters that will some day be playing with such dolls, I purchased the child's size small Samantha's nightie and Kirsten's little coal warmer for $4
A little post script....I guess big girls still love their American Girls things since these two items were quickly grabbed up by a couple of married young ladies I happen to know really well. I love that my girls still cherish their dolls.
My girls each have an American girl doll too...Molly and Kit...and I hope they will always treasure them too.
What great finds today!
I love to see your pretty clotheline full of skirts. Seems like mine more often is full of jeans..but I love when there is an especially feminine wash out!! Or even my favorite sheets. I hope to be able to hang out clothes this week...the snow is about all melted under it and not deep mud so I think I can do it...I miss the clothesline smell on clothes in winter time.
Melissa has Kirsten and Melanie has Molly