New Yarn

Here is a picture of the yarn I have been spinning this morning. Will be making a shawl for myself with it.


Annie said…
Your shawl will be so lovely! I really want to learn how to spin...maybe someday!

Have a Blessed day!
Patty said…
Its really very relaxing to spin. I hope you get the opportunity to learn.
mikesgirl said…
Gorgeous yarn Patty! What kind is it?
Dana and Daisy said…
What a beautiful video of you spinning. I'll be taking a spinning class this summer.Your yarn is lovely. Will you be knitting or weaving your shawl?
Patty said…
it's a wool blend, the stuff they clean off the carding machines.
Are you spinning yet ?
Patty said…
I probably will knit or crochet my shawl
mikesgirl said…
Yes, I'm spinning - I LOVE it! I am out of wool right now, so knitting up what I spun before - making scarves. This yarn is a little lumpy and bumpy as I am a beginner, but it looks like expensive novelty yarn!!!!

Is the stuff you're using, the cleanings off the carding machines, for sale somewhere? Is it less expensive? My dh is laid off of his job right now, so we are really watching the pennies.
Patty said…
Mikesgirl, I am so glad you are spinning. I remember wanting so badly to make non lumpy bumpy yarn and worked so hard at it, that now its nearly impossible for me to spin it and I WANT to make some lumpy bumpy, so don't be like me, remember always how to do it.
Yes, the roving is cheaper getting it off the carders. Most wool processing places have it for sale.

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