Share your most favorite thing

Lynn over at A Mothers Journal tagged me to write about my favorite thing around my house. That is a tough one for me as there are lots of things that would fit that category.
For instance, I love my kerosene lamps, but then I love the cedar chest my great grandfather made. I love my hutch in the dining room, but then I do so enjoy my rocking chair.
This is going to be a hard thing to decide. Oh wait, I love love love my camera, but then I love my computer too. There is my sewing machine also, and my stash of fabric. Oh dear this is a hard assignment for me. I love my wooden floors in the dining room, but then I love my red gingham wallpaper in the kitchen, but wallpaper seems like a silly thing to love.
O.k. I finally have it....after all these years of being married and all the years of living in this house the most favorite thing I have is......drum roll please......the whole house, does that count to include everything ?
If I had to really get it down to one thing, it might be nope, can't seem to narrow it down. I love my wood stove, my books, my big high four poster bed that you need steps to get up to. Just everything in the house and the house are treasures to me. My Clipper ship dishes, my dining room set that has seen such laughter and good conversation.
Its all my favorite...its all part of my life. Its all part of who I am. Its all part of my children's lives and the memories we share. Symbols of our love and our life.
Feel free to share your favorite thing on your blog and let me know what it is.


Iowa Gal said…
I love your article. You are just like me. My heart and contentment are in my home and family. I have a question...... Did you ever show a picture of your wall papered kitchen with the red wallpaper? It sounds so pretty.
~Bren~ said…
WONDERFUL post. I love all the things you love!
Lynn Hasty said…
Patty, you always make me smile! I knew it would be shocking if you could pick one thing. At least I felt I'd be shocked to see just **one** most favorite thing from your house. You are so good at giving a place in your life to the things that really bring you joy. My hat is off to you.

Thanks for taking part in this!

sulli said…
Patty, I so plan to share my favorite things, It is a great way to stop and figure out what is really important to us. I agree with you, there are so many favorite things. Anyway, I will plan a post for tomarrow, but for today I posted about the one thing I have been wanting for such a long time... feel free to stop by and check it out.
I would agree with you on my whole home being my favorite thing!
The Stricklands said…
I love my sewing table, but I think that my favorite thing in my house is a room full of children. All 6 of our sweeties have been home this week, and I love having every place filled at our dining table. So maybe it is my dining table, but when my children are in the living room, it would be the living room furniture, and so it goes...:0)
ellemenope said…
I'm kinda going to have to go whole house too. Since my husband built this house for us from scratch with his bare hands, I think I can :-)
It's like you've peeked into my soul! I love all the same things. And your photography just brings them to life right here in your blog. Amazing!

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