Nothing But Sunshine...but wait, is that a cloud I see ?
I start thinking about autumn in July, longing for it, lighting apple cinnamon candles to refresh my memory of what fall smells like. I dream of winter time, and woodstove heat and cold on my face as I do my outside work. We humans are a funny lot, always wishing for something different than what we have. Maybe though, if I lived where the weather was perfect, I wouldn't be thinking about the next season to come. Is there a place on earth with perfect weather ?
Thinking about weather and such makes me think about how our area has had 6 small earthquakes in one month. So strange considering this are has no recorded earthquakes prior to these. We all seem to wonder the same thing, do these earthquakes have to do with all the gas wells being drilled in this county and the injection wells that result from the gas drilled. We mess with nature far too much in my humble opinion.
The sky seems to be clouding over, as if God heard the desires of my heart. It was almost cool outside doing chores this morning. The lack of blasting heat lead me to wash the windows in the milk barn and linger outside a bit to tidy up out there. I love being outside, so much to see and hear and smell. To experience living things all around you.
Breakfast this morning was a tall glass of cold goat milk and a banana. The milk topped with bubbles as I had to shake the milk bottle to mix the cream in. It tasted so good. I actually took a picture of my glass of milk with my iPhone, to remember it by. It was extra good this morning. Simple stuff really. Nothing fancy in this day. Ordinary, just the way I like it.
Life is good.