A Gentle Sort of Morning

The air is a cool 58 degrees out and the sky is bluer than blue. Not a cloud in sight and the sunshine is kissing the earth with gold. Its a perfect morning for wandering around the place, checking on the garden, smelling the flowers, stopping to watch the birds at the feeders and just listening to the quiet. Soon enough there will be the sound of the washer going and the clanging of the milk bucket being washed and the noise of making breakfast, but those are good sounds to me, home sounds, contented sounds. The tea kettle will whistle at me, not a pleasant whistle though, its a harsh, screaming sort of whistle that makes you run to turn off the heat under it.
Tea will fill my cup, and beg me to sit by the window, watching the world go by. I might read a bit, or I might just think and talk to God in that rather casual conversation style that suits my relationship with Him so naturally.
There is much to do today, including another trip to the Doctor, my infection has not cleared up so have to go back and get a stronger antibiotic. I am grateful for the Doctor we have, he is amazing and so good at his job, and compassionate too.
Today I plan on enjoying the simplicity of my life and counting it all good.


Renee said…
Have a blessed day and hope you are feeling better soon. I really enjoy your pictures!

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