Time to Think

Having to deal with being sick with this infection has been a blessing in some ways. I have had more time to just sit and think. Time to not be so distracted by the busy-ness of daily life. Time to look deeply at the things that have transpired in my life. To view some life events from start to finish and in doing so, seeing clearly the miracle in them. Often times we are just so busy doing things that we miss the chain of events that got us to a certain place and miss just how perfectly timed things had to be in order to fall into place just the right way.
I guess that little video clip sealed it for me, the concept of being so busy that we loose track of the miracles in our lives. We sometimes feel less than productive if we are not busy accomplishing some great task or producing some fine masterpiece, be in with canvas, fabric or yarn or even in the kitchen, but maybe, just maybe we ought to find a bit of time to just be quiet and listen and pray. I am so used to being bombarded by sounds that quiet almost feels uncomfortable at times, as though its wasted space. Not so when I am outside wandering around the place, that is always a quiet time for me, but in the house I am sure I sure be busy creating or checking email or doing something...even reading has become something I do on the computer more than I do from a book. And to be honest, all this busy-ness has kept me from having as open heart to the word of God as I should have.
We do so much and we hardly have time to wind down at night before sleep.
I guess the modern world is rushing us along through life, demanding that we do and do and do more. Life is at its best when there is balance. Balance between doing and spending time with God. Even at church, most folks find a moment of silence uncomfortable. They want to be entertained, amused and busy, not listen to that small still voice that needs quiet in which to be heard. We don't mind doing good deeds, or helping folks, but we seem to mind listening to God share with us the motivation for which we should be doing good deeds.
Our children wake to busy mornings, where "hurry up" is the first thing they hear and from that point on they are surrounded by noise until they go to bed, and many go to sleep with music being piped into their brain by way of headphones. We are training them to be uncomfortable with quiet time. Doesn't matter if they are going to bed listening to hymns, its noise that blocks out that small still voice that we need to hear.
Today, I am going to make an effort to surround myself with quiet for part of the day or maybe even most of the day, even when I am busy cooking and cleaning and then, I plan on some time alone with God.


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