The train is sounding its horn at the crossing that is at least a mile away, but we can hear it loud and clear in the crisp morning air. Windows are open, curtains appearing almost shy and hesitant in their movement with the light breeze. It is almost Autumn and you can feel a change coming. This morning Emery was up bright and early, using the cultivator in the garden, giving it one more going over before we make our rows and plant the fall garden. Collard Greens, Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, cilantro, peas, carrots, some heirloom cucumbers, turnip greens and we always plant some cooking pumpkins hoping they make it and covering them on the frosty nights. Its never easy to know just how this growing season will turn out. Last year we had a very mild winter so the garden was producing up until it was ready to plant the spring garden. I was thinking this morning, that gardening is such a part of our life, not sure we could live without it. The health benefits are so good, for the work aspect and the eating of nice fresh organic veggies and I suspect since it was a garden that God put the first people in, even before it needed to be worked in, I am thinking, a garden is good for our mental health and well being. It certainly provides time to think when you are down on your knees weeding !I am a bit disappointed that the medication I am on for my infection has left me sleepy feeling, so much so that I haven't gotten much done in the last couple of days and probably won't accomplish much for a few more days, but it does seem to be taking care of the problem.
I am not much for sitting around, matter of fact it drives me crazy. I am a woman of action and like to be busy. Napping is not my thing. I can probably count on one hand the amount of naps I have taken in the past couple of years. To me naps are a bit like taking a scenic ride and falling asleep in the car, you miss SO much. I get 8 or 9 hours sleep every night, so never seem to need a nap, but this week, with this medicine, I seem to fall asleep on the sofa every afternoon. So not like me at all.
Its nice to come back to where I left off on this post with the news that the garden is done. A lot of work, but satisfying work and one that will reap a lot of blessings for the table.