Cool Evening Breeze
Emery is sleeping soundly. I wanted to check my mail once before I headed off to bed too.
The air is so cool coming in the windows I almost could use a sweater, but no, I would rather feel the joy of being cold....its been such a long time since I have felt cool air, naturally cool air. Its damp too and that's a combination I love, makes your skin feel so soft and breathing it is feels invigorating.
We had some really good news tonight. I called my dad this evening and there was no answer, which in all honesty frightened me a bit, he should have been home, but the great news is, he called to let me know he was out with friends having pizza. Due to the cancer growth, he had not been able to eat solid food, but its shrunk already so much so that he could once again put his dentures in and eat. It is such a blessing.
He has been receiving all the cards and well wishes so many of you have sent and he is so very thankful for all the encouragement you have shared. I know that the prayers being sent up on his behalf are being heard. Proof of that is how he is once again able to eat solid food. Its a miracle really that its happened so soon and that the treatments are so effective. I pray they continue to do the work they are meant to.
Melanie, Mei-Ling and I went out for lunch today and looking across the table at the two of them, I was filled with gratitude that they are both doing so well. Miracles, the two of them.
How many times God has kissed them on the forehead with the miracle of life !
It seems so ridiculous in view of the frailty of life to waste a moment worried about how many things you own, or who knows who, or striking out in anger at people. Its nothing more than a waste of time to fill your life with things, when your table is empty of loved ones because you are angry about something, or you refuse to apologize for something you said that was unkind or said in anger. Life really is fragile and should be handled with care and prayer.
Filling your life with an over abundance of stuff is perhaps the easiest way to avoid looking at the emptiness we keep trying to fill. Might be more fabric than we need, buying supplies for a new hobby we never get around to, a pantry full of foods we will never cook with, a closet full of shoes that we just don't need or clothes we will never wear. What we really need is a close family, mended fences and the courage to reach out to love. We need courage to be who we really are and who we are meant to be. And sometimes we need to swallow our pride, and say we are sorry to the loved ones we have hurt so that no empty spots fill our hearts.
Filling your life with an over abundance of stuff is perhaps the easiest way to avoid looking at the emptiness we keep trying to fill. Might be more fabric than we need, buying supplies for a new hobby we never get around to, a pantry full of foods we will never cook with, a closet full of shoes that we just don't need or clothes we will never wear. What we really need is a close family, mended fences and the courage to reach out to love. We need courage to be who we really are and who we are meant to be. And sometimes we need to swallow our pride, and say we are sorry to the loved ones we have hurt so that no empty spots fill our hearts.
It's time for me to head to bed and dream sweet dreams while the cool evening breeze blows through the window and has me pull the quilt tight around me.