A Quiet Sort of Joy
My day started out with a trip to the Doctor, for about three weeks I have been fighting an infection and today I had a culture done. It appears to be a very drug resistant bacteria, a bit stubborn, like me at times. Later in the morning, a trip to the feed store, a bale of alfalfa and a bag of sweet feed for the goats. The car smelled good to me on the trip home, sweet and farm like. I love that scent almost better than any fancy scented candle.
Well worn jeans, a red thermal shirt, long sleeved and how nice to have to wear long sleeves after months of wiping sweat from my brow during chore time. Wellies, covered with the things mud pies are made from. Work gloves on as I haul the hay to the barn. It feels just right to be living this day, this way. Glassed working as a headband, holding back the rebellious hair that is determined to get into my eyes. I seem to always have my glasses up on top of my head, it works for me. Keeps them handy at all times.
The goats are glad for the deep green alfalfa hay, its like candy for them and if you let them, they would eat far too much of it and get sick. I empty the bag of sweet feed into the barrel in the feed room. Sticky with molasses the corn, oats and barley fall in little clumps, reminding me of granola.
Harry sits patiently waiting for me at the gate. He seems a bit confused as to why I am in the feed room when its not milking time. The world around me seems very quiet. A little breeze blows and shakes the branches over the barn, creating a little rain storm...besides that, it seems like a silent part of the day. Chores done, my feet carry me past the herb garden, past the chicken house and past the work shop. I stop at the garden fence, wondering if I want to tramp through the muddy rows and check on the watermelons. I decide tomorrow will be better for that. The kittens are sleeping on the rug on the back porch, so many kittens but so cute. They need to find homes soon. I kinda hate to part with them, they are so friendly and sweet.
Kicking my boots off at the back door, I am greeted by the smell of apple bread sitting on the table. This is just about a perfect day and a perfect time for a cup of tea.
Licorice loves attention and always seems to crowd out Faith
Licorice munching down an afternoon snack of alfalfa
The banana spider seems to grow bigger every dayMy wellies, a bright spot amid the mud.
Things have settled down a bit here and the house is full of the earthy scent of beets cooking. A neighbor/friend brought us an armload of produce. She and her husband have constructed a garden of very high raised beds--the grasshoppers left them alone.
Hope you can drive the infection away for good!
Are those poisonous or no?
Where did it spin it's web, in a tree or a nook in the house outside?
I had a baby snake in my dining room the other day. I think it came with all that rain we had a few days ago.
Scared the heebee jeebies out of me!
But I wrote about that on my blog.
Hope you and Emery have a good weekend!