The last post was about that "certain dress" that makes you feel graceful, beautiful and very feminine, well my gears have changed as its time for me to head out to the barn and clean the milking area. Such is life, we often change gears and hopefully we do it with ease. So here I sit, preparing to head outside to the barn, I have Olge Cassini capri's on, (purchased at Goodwill) they are well worn to be sure and made of comfortable cotton knit and yes, I have a tee shirt that says, "what happens in the barn, stays in the barn" no doubt a country take on the Las Vegas commercials that say something to the effect that "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" . On my feet, old sneakers with a sole that flaps when I walk. Work gloves and a bucket of hot soapy water in my hands.
Perhaps the contrast from the last post and this one is an example of living spherically, in many directions : )
In the deepest parts of me, I will always be most comfortable with the simple farm life where that easy rhythm of life moves the day in the direction I need to go. Where things are just that, things. And where love is the most important element of my life.