Keeping it simple

While doing chores I was making a mental list of the things that need to be done this month. Living by the seasons gives me a schedule. Middle of September is time to plant the garden, time to get wood stacked for winter, get the winters hay purchased and stacked. By the end of September I need to blacken the stove and get it all cleaned out and start giving the house a complete cleaning. Moving furniture in the living room back to the way it needs to be when we are using the wood stove. Its all work I look forward to since it signals a change of seasons.
Living life according to the seasons, with our wants and needs in order keeps things simple. And if you carry that thought a bit further, you think about how to live in the seasons of our lives.
No need to flip flop from one kind of living to another, just live simply, not blowing whichever way the wind blows in regard to this new way of doing this or that, or having to have this or that.
It helps in keeping things simple to just march to your own drum beat, no matter what anyone else is doing !
We no longer chop and stack wood, switched to a natural gas heater that resembles an old fashion wood stove. My husband felt he was getting too old to be chopping and hauling and with both our children married with families of their own it fell to us. I hope thee has lovely colors with the fall.
Thea Pollock