A Bit Under The Weather

It seems on top of my kidney infection I have now come down with the flu....good time to just rest and relax for a few days.


Carole said…
Well, take good care of yourself and hope to read you soon.
Feel better soon! That is a HORRIBLE combination. Snuggle down with a book. Meanwhile, with all this flu in northern Arizona, we have to keep our immunosuppressed kidney kid home, away from people. Our first quarantine - so weird.

Feel better,
Dog Trot Farm said…
Patty hope you are well and up and about soon.
Keep warm, drink lots of liquid, chicken soup, etc. Hope you feel much better soon! Listen to comforting music and read favorite books!
Marci said…
Take good care of yourself Pat. Praying here.
rosellafan said…
hope you feel better soon...get some rest and take good care of yourself...
Val said…
I hate kidney infections and I for sure hate the flu and those 2 together is not a good match. Get some rest and feel better soon.
Gail said…
I love your photos and your fall header. Hope you feel better soon.
Gail said…
Your pictures and your fall header are wonderful.

I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Marianna said…
Hope you are feeling better soon. Do take care of yourself.
Holly C. said…
Feel better soon!☺
This bout of ill health just isn't YOU! I hope that the flu is the common garden variety and not something really scary.
You and your family are in my prayers.
cheryl said…
Patty I hope you are feeling better today , this has been going on for quite awhile , you must be really fed up with feeling sick . Maybe you need a weekend get away , a change of scenery and a little vacation , sometimes it works wonders ! Sending beat wishes to you !
healinggreen said…
Ooh, I feel for you! I have a small cold, and am miserable enough, but sure its nothing compared to how you are feeling. Dandelion (root, leaves) can do wonders for both flu issues and kidneys, and certainly can't do any harm... If you've got some around, you might try making some strong tea. Good health soon to you!
cheryl said…
Patty that should have read " best " wishes not beat .
... Paige said…
Feel better than better soon.
Becky said…
I hope that you are feeling a bit better and are getting some rest.

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