Thanksgiving was indeed a day of Thanks. We had a delightful meal and wonderful conversation. Food in abundance, made complete with jolly laughs about "the old days" when my sisters and I were young and peppered with talk of traditions and family history. We also spoke of when my own children, now grown, were young and all the family stories that make you laugh when you recall the silly times.My oldest daughter sent pictures of her first thanksgiving and we laughed together when we saw that we used the exact same pans and dishes for the same foods and how much we do things alike. The chain of tradition strong and binding our generations together. I mashed my potatoes in the very same bowl my mother did and as hers did so many years ago. I make my stuffing the exact way my mother did, and she did it the same way her mother did. I think that is what the holiday is all about. Family history and thankfulness for our families. Our family is not a modern family like you hear so much about. We are a family that is not "blended" or any of those other modern terms. We have been married nearly 27 years, happily and joyfully in love. Our parents both married for many years, no divorce. We grew up with loving grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins galore. Family was important to us and still is to this day. My sister was here from New England with us for the holiday along with my best friend of over 40 years. Aunties to my children. Family to be Thankful for. We had an old fashioned Thanksgiving where we made all the food. Nothing already prepared. Pies made from scratch, that sort of thing. I am glad we are an old fashioned lot. I appreciate tradition. It has value. It is my prayer that whoever is reading this has been so blessed with a happy holiday.Happy Thanksgiving and may your hearts be filled with joy from the good things in your life.


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