As I was out walking Fergus last night around 10 pm, the sky was breathtaking. More than once I tripped on a fallen branch or into a hole, since I could not take my eyes off the unfolding drama above me. The moon looked nearly full or it was full, I had not checked. The clouds were flying past reminding me of white caps on a tumultuous sea. A ring around the moon of rainbow like shades appeared more red than the other colors and gave the clouds around it a rather mystical appearance. I had never seen a ring with red as the major color.
The clouds raced across the sky in fantastic speed. Shapes dancing and changing in seconds. My neck was getting sore from watching so I sat down and leaned back to watch some more. Fergus had some extra time to run and chase leaves in the light of this bright moon, while I gazed upon the heavens.
This morning I was up while the sky was still dark and saw the moon setting in the west. A huge yellow orb, hanging in the black sky. Another beautiful sight.
As I sit here at my computer this morning, hours later, with the sun shining brightly, it sounds like a wild blizzard out there with sustained winds of 20 mph and gusts well into the 40 mph range. Good day to wash bed linens and hang them out. The wind whips them into softness and scents them with the subtle smell of fresh air.
The leaves are producing sometime akin to a leaf blizzard. I believe my yard must have an inch of leaf fall already this morning. Natures way of cleaning away the trees old leaves to make way for months of sleep and then rebirth in spring. The noise of the wind in the trees and hollows creating a music full of intensity.
I never tire of the changes seasons bring. Each one giving me a sense of anticipation for what is to come next.
I don't need to watch movies or go to plays, what is outside is all the entertainment I need.
A cold front is on the back of all this wind and tonight frost is in the forecast, so maybe I will get some of that "Frost on the Pumpkin" after all. How life can change in a day.
The winds voice is loud and clear today, cold is coming.


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