Its kind of funny to be sharing a picture of some of my treasures in view of my last blog entry about why we own some things. Not all things owned are tied up with the desire to show off ! Some are just simple pleasures. These items on the hutch are just that. Simple pleasures. Some passed on to me by my mother who loved pewter like I do. I change what is out on my hutch every couple weeks. It gives me a chance to enjoy looking at the things I love. During fall time I seem to enjoy the rich warm colors of salt glazes and the dull grays of Pewter. Perhaps reflecting the shades of fall clouds with the pewter and the colors of the leaves in the earth tones of the pottery.
Pewter also reminds me of pilgrims and hearing stories when I was a child of how they washed their dishes in the sand. That always sounded crazy to me until in my teen years on a camping trip I found myself doing the same thing.
In fall, as the cold weather creeps in and mornings are filled with chores done with cold hands and moments of seeing your own breath, I like homey sorts of things. Old fashioned past times mixed in with home made treats and warm apple cider. Pots of tea and wool socks. Knitting needles clicking in the silent morning as I work on a project or the hum of the spinning wheel as I turn mounds of wool into yarn.
The hutch reflects my mood with the rich tones of the salt glaze pottery and a sprinkling of fall leaves along the shelf.
I feel very thankful at this time of year. Thankful for Gods love and watchcare and for His bountiful blessings on us.