Since Melanie is not feeling all that great, still having flu like symptoms and Casi was working, Emery went down the road to pick up Melanie and Mei-Ling so they could spend the day with us. The weather has been magnificent today. Clear and cool, bright sunshine in a bright blue sky. Emery painted the porch floors and I did laundry, three loads. Melanie helped me prepare lunch and we all sat down at the kitchen table, laughing and having good conversation. When I was outside hanging up clothes, there were two little girl hands helping me. Mei would hand me a piece of clothing with a clothespin sitting on top, and she even matched up the socks for me, handing me two of the same socks at once. What fun it was for her and for me. Later us girls went to the barn to play with the goats and see the cats. Mei-Ling wanted to pet the chickens and honestly when she went close to them, they would all run away. She fed leaves to the goats, played in a hay pile that she made in the feed stall and carried around her own tiny bucket, declaring it "my bucket". I watched that same kind of joy in Mei-Lings face as she petted the animals as I saw in my own children when they were young and doing the very same things.That is a precious thing. The day was full of toddler chatter and a million questions. I think Mei-Ling can ask, "whats that ?" a hundred times in an hour. Emery popped in the house from time to time just to check on his girls and always grabbing a hug from a tiny girl that adores her Grandpa. It is this kind of day that refreshes the soul. Farm chores, cooking with one of my daughters in the kitchen. Talk of plans and hopes. Watching my daughter blossom in her pregnancy, and seeing the glow of motherhood in her face. Snuggling with a little one that smothers me in kisses and hugs and tells me silly things to make me laugh and all the while the steady and sure love of my gentle man just on the other side of the door, busy with his painting.
I feel blessed.
Count your blessings; name them one by one... You are a wonderful example of living that way. :)