"Oh What A Beautiful Morning !"
My sewing room is back to normal and no longer playing the role of catch all for the misplaced items and next on to the guest room, new wallpaper to be put up and material for curtains next to the sewing machine. Hope to have that room finished by the time Melissa comes for her visit next month.
Things are coming together as they should once again. I am so thankful that my infection is gone and my health restored so I can be as busy as I like to be.
I am ready for winter to arrive with some cold weather. A good frost would be welcome to kill the bugs, the mosquito's are still so bad, and I am anxious for getting morning fires going in the stove and putting the peculator on for some good coffee.
My Christmas shopping is just about done, many presents made by hand and I even have my Christmas cards all stamped and addressed, ready to go as soon as I write my annual Christmas letter. I am determined to have everything for the holiday season done early so I can just sit back and enjoy the moment and enjoy all the special cooking and baking. Our home is always a hub of activity from November until the first of the year. We have out of town guests coming one right after another and I love that. We are looking forward to our first grandson either at the end of December or in the first part of January. The Doctor will decide soon what date to schedule for her C-Section. Life is good and each and every day, Emery and I fall more in love, dedicate ourselves more to simple living and to be comfortable with our chosen path no matter how against the stream it seems to be at times. When day is done, we can thank God for children that are blessings and that we share such a close bond to and you know, that in itself is wealth and joy beyond any amount of riches the world has to offer.
I wish I were as ready for Christmas as you. I HAVE been knitting socks for alot of family members (the ones who will appreciate them) and other handmade gifts. Havn't even thought about the cards yet...I need to get on that!!! Have a greta week!