An Easy Morning
Easy conversation with a man of such depth and knowledge. He knows so many things, but is humble and never the braggart. His compassion as real as the sunshine pouring in the windows.
This is like a piece of heaven on earth for me and a haven amidst chaos that rages in so many parts of the world. Always I feel "Safe in His Care" nurtured by the deep and profound unconditional love of a Heavenly Father that sees to all my needs and feeds me with the beauty of His creation and with so many tiny details along with the big things in life.
I don't have to enter into some deep state of meditation to feel complete peace because every aspect of my day to day living is so full of that complete peace. I feel nurtured, content, loved, fulfilled, safe and always hopeful for more abundant joy around the next corner.
Life is good and is simple in a very complicated world on this easy sort of Sunday morning.