Tonight a knock on the door....I wasn't expecting anyone. Matter of fact I was sitting with Emery rather relaxed for the night. It was a friendly knock, a friends knock. My dear friend Nancy was standing on the other side of the screen door. "Had I received her email saying she was coming over", no, but that is fine, she is the dearest kind of friend who doesn't seem to notice the house in disarray or mind pushing that book on the chair aside to sit down. We talked and talked as good friends do. Listening keenly to one another, and sharing by nodding in agreement or in understanding. She was the perfect balm for my weary soul. We have known each other for many years. Met in the first Mennonite church we attended. Kindred spirits in so many ways. I was blessed tonight with just what I needed, a girlfriend to talk with about spiritual things, about things Mennonite and things not Mennonite. God is indeed good !
this friend is my tea time friend too, so it makes it extra special when she comes for a visit, tea, conversation and of course talk about the wonderful old books she lends to me ! She is indeed a blessing