A New Award

Marianna over at http://cardinalacre.blogspot.com/ so kindly awarded my blog the Frugal Subversive Award, blush blush... Thanks Marianna. I so dislike all the apathy about how much waste there is on this green earth, and try to do my part in not going about spending wildly.
Here are the details...
This is the start of a new meme - the Frugal Subversive Award. I am giving my award to three bloggers who consistently turn their backs on consumerism to live frugally in a creative and authentic way. These bloggers have made me think in innovative ways about my own life and how I can make a difference making, reusing, and just saying "no" to mindless spending.If you are given an award and want to take part in this meme, you can in turn select three other bloggers who have inspired you to be a frugal subversive. Passing the rules on with the award will make it easier for everyone to participate. Congratulations on the award. I hope it helps you spread awareness near and far.
1. When you are tagged, write a post with links to three blogs who have inspired you with their frugal creativity or innovation.
2. In your post, please link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme and save the award graphic.
3. Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you’re tagging, so they they know they're received the award.
4. Display the Frugal Subversive Award badge to identify your blog as part of the movement that is turning its back on consumerism at any cost.
my three nominees are...
http://emcglass.blogspot.com/ Wonderful blog about being aware of not being mindless in any aspect of life
http://likemerchantships.blogspot.com/ just plain good common sense about living frugally
well looks like for now it will just be two blogs from me, I can't decide on a third one so two it is for now, might change later to include one more.
I'll have to give this some careful consideration before passing along the award.