There are times in life when we have a clouded vision of life simply because of an emotional attachment to something that is not even our reality. It may have been our reality at one time, or a childhood truth, but it no longer is a truth for us. Yet, we have grown so comfortable holding on to it that we seem to cherish this attachment. Looking honestly at our lives, and the freedom we have in a deep and abiding relationship with God, we can move past the things that are no longer our "truths". I will give you an example from my own life. When I was a child, my spelling was horrible. It was creative at best. The teachers used to take my spelling papers outside at recess to share with one another and laugh at. I saw them doing that and it was just proof to me that I was a horrible speller and I did nothing to change that, it was after all in my 3rd grade mind, a hopeless situation. Somewhere around age 30, I realized I actually could spell most any word I wanted. Yet if someone asked me about spelling, I would say, "oh don't ask me, I am a horrid speller". I lived my life through the eyes of a 3rd grade child in this situation. It might be something as simple as imagining someone is always referring to you when they speak on a certain subject that you feel insecure about, when in reality, they are not talking about you at all. These "personal truths" have very little to do with reality and yet they hold us captive, hold us back from moving forward. It can even be about how we once were in life, our actions, deeds, beliefs etc and now we constantly feel unworthy of Gods profound and unconditional love for us. We doubt we are worth anything to Him because we are convinced "our truth" is the correct perception. Living in the moment, not holding on to some past experience as the guidepost for our path, is the only way to find freedom to hear clearly what God is whispering to us in that small still voice. Live your life in the freedom of seeing clearly where you are now, who you are now, and never measure yourself according to your childhood truths, or old worn out truths that no longer are reality.