Information on Ordering MorningRamble Cards
I will be having several sets available with specific themes, you can order with or without a quote by me on them. At this point I plan on keeping all the photography, shots from home or at least shots taken on my morning walk near home.
The themes will be...
Simple Living, our homestead
Tea Time
Spinning and Knitting
The cards are on good quality card stock, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches and will sell for $2.50 cents each or 12 in a set for $24 plus shipping. At present it is my plan for you to be able to choose which how many of each design you want within each category, so you can mix and match or have all of one design.
It is our plan to have the cards available for sale in the early part of September. Feel free to email me at with any questions or about pre-ordering cards .
Here is a sampling of some of the designs that will be available, photos taken in natural filtered light and in artificial light
I really want to thank you. Your pictures along with your insightfull words have really made me take more notice of things that are important to me.