Morning Ramble

I stood for a moment, leaning on the hoe, taken in by all the mornings beauty. The color of they sky, the thin clouds floating by as if they were some wisp of white silk, flying through the wind. The smell of the earth, taken in with each breath I take. Reminding me of the book, The Good Earth, not so much for the story, but for the title. Right under my feet was indeed, The Good Earth, yielding goodness to eat in the days to come. Reaping in the days to come, what we have sown while the sun was still hot in the sky. Leaves above me, giving way, thinning out like a balding head of an old man. More sky to see once again...I remember thinking last year as winter grew old, what it will be like to have trees all dressed in green once again, and now I find myself wondering what it will be like to have trees stand like veined hands, reaching up to the gray wintry sky.
I am tired this morning so I only hoe half a long row. Maybe there will be more energy after a good nap. Still I wander around a bit, noticing that the squirrels have great bushy tails this fall . A long cold winter sounds good to me...we have wood enough to keep us warm and I so long for quiet days spent indoors baking or spinning. For stew bubbling on the woodstove all day long and woolly socks covering my feet.

Time now for hanging out some laundry, washing won't wait !


Linda said…
God love this goat. I just want to reach out and give it a big hug. This is a priceless picture.

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