What To Do With Pulp from Making Carrot Juice
We make carrot juice on a regular basis, and usually we end up taking all that carrot pulp out to the compost pile. I feel better knowing its going to some good use, rather than just throwing it away. Earlier this week I watched a video that showed how to make crackers in the dehydrator using carrot pulp. That sounded great to me so I gave it a try. I am very pleased with the results. They are delicious and healthy, along with using up the carrot pulp. I made two batches, one following the recipe on the video and then I made an Asian flavored batch, using Asian seasoning in place of the Italian spices and using Braggs Amino Acids in place of the water used in the video recipe. They came out really tasty. The Asian flavored crackers are Emery's favorite of the two. Next time I think I will try a curry flavor !
Here is the link for the video
Ronnie & Minh's Raw Crackers
Here is the link for the video
Ronnie & Minh's Raw Crackers