The Weekend in Food
This past weekend I had lots of fun in the kitchen, trying my hand at a few new recipes. A green papaya salad,Som Dum ส้มตำ and Xôi Xoài kiểu Thái-Classic Thai Mango Sticky Rice/Khao Nieo Mamuang.
Both were big hits with Emery and the sticky rice with mango was one that had him asking when we were having that again. It was a delight to make and certainly a delight to eat. In our constant attempt to include more vegetables and fruits in our diet, and maintain a fun nearly vegetarian diet, it has me exploring more Asian foods. Emery prefers many Asian foods in place of the typical American foods and really I do too. We both feel better eating this way.
The wonderful variety of fruits and vegetables at the Asian markets have had us experimenting with exotic fruits and some strange to us, vegetables. My son in laws cousin has been sharing some recipes with me from Thailand, which has been wonderful.
Have a good week; stay safe.